Hello everyone! My name is Matea. I’ve recently started working with the team at The Period Place and i’m super excited to be part of the change towards period equity. I’ve mostly grown up in Aotearoa and I consider it my home so it brings me a lot of joy to be doing work that’s helping people who call Aotearoa home too!
I’ve always been creative and consider myself an artist in many ways. Art and self expression through my art is a big part of how I got to where and who I am today. I would describe myself as a creative who is continuously in search of inspiration. I love being inspired. Being inspired allows you to see such a depth in the most basic of things. It's a magical lens to look through. Much of my creative work has helped me open my eyes to what’s really important to me. I am super grateful for the nurturing upbringing that allowed me to be creative and feel very lucky to have experienced a childhood where art was encouraged.
I’ve always been super active, as a kid I was always out climbing trees and finding a new adventure somewhere. I’ve been very fortunate to have grown up with everything I need available to me. As a girl and a young woman my period never stopped me from being able to do my best whether it be in my education, hobbies or work. However, I am aware of how many girls, women and people who get periods don’t have that same privilege. I’d love to someday be able to say with confidence that every girl, woman and person who gets periods has access to everything they need to stop their period from limiting them.